Coelogyne Tiny Hope


UK grown Coelogyne Tiny Hope Orchid. Small orange flowers with contrasting dark lip. Rare.

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Name: Coelogyne Tiny Hope

Parentage: miniata x speciosa

Common name:

Plant Description: Small compact plant with pairs of shiny orange tinted leaves above pseudobulbs smaller than C. speciosa. Inflorescences produced from new growth as it matures. A very uncommon hybrid.

Pot Size (cm): 7cm flexi-pot

Product height (cm): 20cm

Flowering size: Yes

Flower description: Small orange flowers with contrasting marked lip are produced sequentially on short spikes from maturing growths. Mature plants can remain in bloom for months.

In bud/bloom: No

Temperature: Intermediate

Fragrance: No

Method of Propagation: Division

Grower: Kevin

Please note plants pictured are examples only

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