Coelogyne Memoria Wilhelm Michowitz ‘Burnham’ AM/RHS


Coelogyne Memoria Wilhelm Michowitz ‘Burnham’ AM/RHS orchid

Fragrant white flowers with orange markings on the lip. UK grown.

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Name: Coelogyne Memoria Wilhelm Michowitz ‘Burnham’ AM RHS

Parentage: lawrenceana x mooreana

Description of plant: Clumping conical pseudobulbs topped by two tall leaves. Flowers produced on an upright inflorescence from new growth. Fast growing. Awarded clone.

Pot Size (cm): 12cm

Product height (cm): 45cm

Flowering size: Yes

Flower description: Fragrant white flowers with orange markings on the lip

In bud/bloom: No

Temperature: Intermediate/cool

Fragrance: Strong, sweet

Method of Propagation: Division

Grower: Chris

Please note plants pictured are examples only

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