Coelogyne Lyme Bay ‘Orchideengarten’


UK Grown Coelogyne Lyme Bay – Green flowers with a chestnut and white lip

4 in stock


Name: Coelogyne Lyme Bay

Common name:

Plant Description: Clumps of egg shaped pseudobulbs topped by a single broad leaf. Long pendent successionally blooming inflorescences produced as new growth emerges. Divisions of a plant from a cross made in Germany of C. speciosa and C. usitana.

Pot Size (cm): 12cm

Product height (cm): 30cm

Flowering size: Yes

Flower description:  Green flowers with a chestnut and white lip

In bud/bloom: No

Temperature: Warm

Fragrance: No

Method of Propagation: Division

Grower: Chris/Kevin

Plant profile:

Please note plants pictured are examples only

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