Name: Angraecum Crestwood ‘Tomorrow Star’
Parentage: veitchii x sesquipedale
Plant Description: Large growing Vanda look alike with thick dark green glaucous alternate foliage. Thick green roots are produced from the main stem and will latch on to surfaces or other pots if allowed to. These are divisions taken from my mother plant last year and have spent the summer outdoors. nice roots are now growing.
Pot Size (cm): 15cm clear pot
Product height (cm): 40cm
Flowering size: 2 – 3 years from blooming.
Flower description: Sprays of large ivory white night scented star shaped flowers are produced from leaf nodes during winter. Can produce multiple spikes.
In bud/bloom: No
Temperature: Warm
Fragrance: Yes. Spicy at night.
Method of Propagation: Division
Grower: Kevin
please note these plants have spent the summer outside and there is some minor leaf markings as seen on the photos. This does not affect the health of the plants.