Niphaea oblongata


Niphaea oblongata. Rhizatamous winter dormant gesneriad. Grow as you would an Achimines or Kohleria. Attractive white flower above fuzzy foliage in summer. Sold as sets of three rhizomes.

4 in stock


Name: Niphaea oblongata

Plant Description: Rhizatamous and winter dormant gesneriad. Fuzzy large leaves in whorls. Plant somewhat resembles a Saintpaulia when in active growth and flower. Offered here are small rhizomes that are produced every year and will bloom during the summer in the coming year. This species makes a handsome houseplant during summer in a well lit spot. Sold as dormant rhizomes. You will receive three rhizomes (more if they’re small) which is plenty to make an impressive plant next year.

Rhizome Size (approx) (cm): 1-2cm.

Flowering size: Yes, will bloom in the summer.

Flower description: Produced in summer, the flowers are produced from the centre of the whorl of foliage. They are white and strongly resemble a Saintpaulia flower. Very attractive.

Temperature: Room temperature. Keep cool and dry while dormant.

Method of Propagation: Division of rhizomes.

Grower: Kevin

Please note rhizomes pictured are examples only.

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