Name: Brassia aff. arcuigera
Common name: Spider Orchid
Description of plant: Unusual flattened pseudobulbs topped by a single stiff leaf with 1-2cm of rhizome between growths. Flowers produced from maturing growths. This species seems susceptible to leaf spotting but this does not affect the vigour of the plant.
Pot Size (cm): 9cm
Product height (cm): 15cm
Flowering size: Yes
Flower description: Short arching inflorescences, generally shorter than the leaves. Flowers arranged very neatly in two ranks, simultaneously opening. Green or yellow depending on age, with chestnut markings.
In bud/bloom: No
Temperature: Intermediate/Warm
Fragrance: Yes, mild
Method of Propagation: Division
Grower: Kevin
Plant profile:
Please note plants pictured are examples only